Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Antibiotics in Meat and Dairy Products

I am allergic to many antibiotics. ever since I moved into the Middle East in 2003, I have often suffered from excessive bloating (water retention) and severe pain where my kidneys are.

A few weeks back, I picked up some Mutton. Made a delicious curry too. After consuming the meat, I started to feel very uneasy. I told myself, this can't be IT!

So a few days back, I picked up a piece of Pakistani Lamb from Carrefour (City Centre, Dubai). The idea was to make a nice Soup. In the end, I made a curry. It DID NOT pass my antibiotic test.

Nadec Milk products give me a great deal of grief. so is the case with Al Rawabi. Al Ain dairy products is not to toxic for my health. Any ways, I am off all dairy products - FOR GOOD!

I am reproducing some of the News Items that showed up on a google search.

If any of the publishers feel their copyright has been violated, sorry folk. The right of Humans (especially young children) to have good health is of more concern to me than any other right.

Gulf News reports:

Customers warned against antibiotics in meat, milk

Drug resistance in body can lead to health problems

When Food & Pharma Connect

Read More of the stuff

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