Thursday, April 26, 2012

Poison Oils

Cooking Oil. People buy it in gallons.

Before you buy, please check for the additives E319, E320, E321. DO NOT BUY the oil if you see any of it. If any of the oil you want to buy/consume says nothing about additives and preservatives... is also a good reason not to buy it.

From my experience there are only a couple of brands of oil sold in the UAE which says "No preservatives or additives". We buy canola oil; brand: "heartlight". The other is Leisure...(needs verification)

E319 Tert-ButylHydroQuinone (TBHQ) petroleum based; the HACSG* recommends to avoid it. May cause nausea, vomiting, delirium. A dose of 5g is considered fatal. Typical products are fats, oils, margarine
E320 Butylated hydroxy-anisole (BHA) petroleum derivative, retards spoilage due to oxidation; used in edible oils, chewing gum, fats, margarine, nuts, instant potato products, polyethylene food wraps; not permitted in infant foods, can provoke an allergic reaction in some people, may trigger hyperactivity and other intolerances; serious concerns over carcinogenicity and estrogenic effects, in large doses caused tumours in lab animals, banned in Japan in 1958, official committees of experts recommended that it be banned in the UK, however due to industry pressure it was not banned, McDonald's eliminated BHT from their US products by 1986, see also Butyl compounds
E321 Butylated hydroxy-toluene (BHT) petroleum derivative; see E320

Feel free to contribute (through the comments section) in creating a list of oils with these additives.

Why can't we keep petroleum products out of our food chain?

Update 1:

E319: Tertiary- butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ)
  1. Extremely toxic
  2. Cancer
  3. Titunitis
  4. Nausea
  5. Severe allergic reactions
  6. Anger
  7. Depression
  8. Difficulty in concentrating
  9. Difficulty in sleeping  
  10. Hyperactivity
E320: Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)
  1. Birth defects
  2. Lung, stomach and ovarian tumors
  3. Cancer
  4. Liver damage
  5. Creates pathological changes in the brain and increases aggression patterns
  6. Reproductive difficulties
  7. Asthma
  8. Conjunctivitis
  9. Skin blistering
  10. Neck and chest pain
  11. Blood Changes
  12. Dermatitis
  13. Chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
  14. Headaches
  15. E320 is stored in body tissues

E321: Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)
See E320


Update 2:

Synthetic antioxidants
Most people think antioxidants are beneficial, and this is true for antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E. However, there are two groups of synthetic antioxidants that can cause nasty side effects: gallates and synthetic antioxidants tBHQ, BHA and BHT. These additives are used in prevent rancidity in fats and oils.

Synthetic antioxidants are widely eaten yet usually overlooked. A small number of consumers react to a single dose, but it is more likely that effects will build up from small doses eaten nearly every day. These additives can be associated with the full range of food intolerance reactions such as irritability, restlessness and difficulty falling asleep; mood swings, anxiety, depression, panic attacks; inattention, difficulty concentrating or debilitating fatigue; eczema, urticaria, contact dermatitis (from cosmetics etc) and other itchy skin rashes; reflux, sneaky poos, bloating, abdominal pain, stomach aches and other irritable bowel symptoms including constipation; headaches or migraines; frequent colds, flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis; stuffy or runny nose, throat clearing, cough or asthma; joint pain and arthritis.

Update 3:

The FDA is just like the huge corporations that do not care about American health, so don't be surprised to find out that BHA and BHT are synthetically manufactured, petroleum-based and fat-soluble. How many products in your pantry, refrigerator and cosmetic cabinet have these "preservatives?" Maybe you should go take a count.

Not to be confused with antioxidants that boost immunity, BHA & BHT are food criminals wearing friendly masks, but nutritionally educated consumers are waking up to the new era, where healthy buzz words and phrases like natural flavors, all natural, antioxidant, as a preservative, and for added freshness are stamped on just about anything, with no regulations for such chemical agents posing as food.

BHT is banned in England because research shows it reacts with other ingested substances to cause the formation of carcinogens. BHA is listed as a carcinogen by the state of California because it causes cancer in humans. BHA has been banned in Japan because studies found it causes cancerous tumors in rats stomachs. Both BHA and BHT are toxic to the liver and kidneys. Remember, humans are animals too. Human lymph nodes absorb these toxins, and that's why breast cancer numbers have gone through the roof.

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