Wednesday, May 30, 2012


As I was about to get into the lift, a young man and a woman greeted me - and said, "we have some free gift for you!" My immediate response was, "I have no time for anything free," and I rushed.

Whilst in the lift, I wondered, aren't gifts always free?When I got back home, my wife told me they were "gifting yogurts" to all families in the building. Obviously Al Ain Food & Beverages were introducing a new product.

Before I could even consider tasting it, my wife reminded me "might as well check the ingredients before you eat it."So here it is:

E120 Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines: red colour; made from insects; rarely used; the HASCG* recommends to avoid it

E407 Carrageenan: a fibre extracted from seaweed, it has recently been linked with cancer because it may become contaminated when ethylene oxide is added to an inferior product, this results in ethylene chlorohydrins forming, a highly carcinogenic compound; linked to toxic hazards, including ulcers and cancer; the most serious concerns relate to degraded carrageen, which is not a permitted additive; however, native carrageenan, which is used, may become degraded in the gut.

After taking a snap, I made sure it went straight into the waste bin. Why must a strawberry yogurt have seaweed in it?

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