Sunday, June 03, 2012

Amber: Canola Oil

The Label says, Cholesterol Free, which is not factually true.
Canola Oil has 0.9 Grams of Saturated Fat in a Tablespoon.

Country of Origin, the label claims is United Arab Emirates. Really? Since when did the UAE start cultivating Canola? Has anyone seen a Canola farm in the UAE?

What they really mean is that the canola oil is produced in the UAE (from imported seeds) - and bottled too!

The additives/ preservatives in the oil are the synthetic Anti-Oxidants BHA & BHT (E320 & E321)

Synthetic antioxidants
Most people think antioxidants are beneficial, and this is true for antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E. However, there are two groups of synthetic antioxidants that can cause nasty side effects: gallates and synthetic antioxidants tBHQ, BHA and BHT. These additives are used in prevent rancidity in fats and oils.

Read More about BHA & BHT in detail:

Synthetic antioxidants

Synthetic antioxidants are widely eaten yet usually overlooked. A small number of consumers react to a single dose, but it is more likely that effects will build up from small doses eaten nearly every day. These additives can be associated with the full range of food intolerance reactions such as irritability, restlessness and difficulty falling asleep; mood swings, anxiety, depression, panic attacks; inattention, difficulty concentrating or debilitating fatigue; eczema, urticaria, contact dermatitis (from cosmetics etc) and other itchy skin rashes; reflux, sneaky poos, bloating, abdominal pain, stomach aches and other irritable bowel symptoms including constipation; headaches or migraines; frequent colds, flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis; stuffy or runny nose, throat clearing, cough or asthma; joint pain and arthritis.

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